New Year Kick Off

What better way to start off our year of FridayNightFamilyNight than by ringing in the new year?!

Grab your favorite appetizers and snack foods - we let each grit pick theirs, some drinks (don't forget the sparkling cider for the toast at midnight!!) and a selection of movies.  Generally, we go for a series of movies - this year it was National Treasure 1 and 2.

Before you settle everyone down in their pjs (with any luck they'll fall asleep around 10 and you can go to bed), get out some paper and pencils and have everyone write down their new year resolutions.  Keep it short and sweet, and let the kids write their own - misspellings and all! When you're done, seal them in envelopes and put them in your stockings (if you have already taken down your Christmas decorations, please tell me your secret! I start counting the minutes to New Years' Day at about 7 am Christmas morning when I can box it all up and get my house back...but I digress...) to be packed away until next year. 

Grab some food, and start the movie....Happy New Year!


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