Friday Night Family Night

A main ingredient in Cheesy GRITS is the importance of family. To enforce emphasize encourage this trait, we've instituted a lil tradition we call Friday Night Family Night. Except we say it as all one word, so it's more like Fridaynightfamilynight. It's a standing event that takes place every Friday night, without fail, for any and all members of our family, extended family and friends. We never know who is going to show up from week to week...and no one has to be invited, or wonder if anyone is getting together on a Friday night.  The activities vary from week to week - depending on season, motivation and interest, but every week is another tablespoon in the cooking of Cheesy GRITS....and something we all look forward to every week. 

Want to start your own Fridaynightfamilynight? Check out what our Friday night activities look like, with this week by week glimpse into the Cheesy GRITS. 


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